:: Volume 4, Issue 4 (december 2015) ::
Int J Med Invest 2015, 4(4): 368-373 Back to browse issues page
Nursing Student’s Behaviours And Attitude Towards Headache
Serdar Saritas , Seyhan Citlik Saritas * , Behice Erci , Neziha Karabulut
Nursing Department, Malatya Health School, İnönü University, Malatya, Turkey
Abstract:   (10192 Views)

Objective: Health professions need to know behaviour and attitudes towards headache so that this knowledge could be used in admin of health care services. Therefore, the researchers undertook the present study to determine the nursing student behaviour and attitudes towards headache. The aim of this study was to determine headache frequent of nursing’s student and their behaviours and attitude towards headache.

Methods: The study population included 592 undergraduate nursing students in nursing departments of health school at a university in Turkey. A randomly sample of 224 was recruited from the students. There was not eligibility criterion for the participants. The data were collected in May 2011. The researchers visited classrooms on two days and conducted interviews with the students in their classrooms.

Results: The majority of the adolescents have had headache. Stress factors activating headache was 37.3%. Attitude of the adolescents towards headache treatment was negative in general. However, 77.2% of the adolescents explained that they have used medicine heal headache.

Conclusion: This study has highlighted some issues that require further investigation and provided useful information that might guide the development of interventions for headache.

Keywords: headache, attitude, behaviour, nursing’s student.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
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