The Journal Of Emergency Health Care (JEHC) is the scientific quarterly journal of the Mazandaran Association of Emergency Medicine. It is published from 2012 in English language. It is a pleasure to inform you that the “Journal Of Emergency Health Care (JEHC) ” journal is ready to accept articles (Original, Review Article, Case Report, clinical image) for publications in the fields of emergency medicine, psychology and behavioral emergency medicine, critical care medicine, disaster and trauma management, environmental diseases, emergency nursing, health policy and ethics, and other related topics. Our new policy has tried to review submitted manuscripts and make the final decisions within two months in most instances. Different types of scientific papers are welcomed from all countries.
Owner: Dr Seyyed Abbas Hashemi
Chariman: Dr Farzad Bozorgi
Publisher: Mazandaran Association of Emergency Medicine
pISSN: 2322-2913
eISSN: 2345-640x
Editorial office address:
18 dey St. , Third floor, Unit 419- Association of Emergency Medicine, Mazandaran Branch, Sari, Iran; Postal code - 4818684668