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:: Volume 1, Issue 1 (December 2012) ::
Int J Med Invest 2012, 1(1): 0-0 Back to browse issues page
Ghasemali Khorasani * , Kourosh Vahidshahi , Mitra Mahmoudi , Leila Shahbaznejad , Mohammad Ghafari , Aazam Emadi , Ehteshami Sara
Abstract:   (11957 Views)
Background: Ambulatory medicine is one of the most important parts of medical education. According to its special effect on professional future of physicians, ambulatory medical education (AME) is now critically important and so many studies have been performed to survey its quality and effective factors on quality improvement it. There is deficiency in methodological studies and evidences about AME in the country. The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of AME in the viewpoint of faculty members and trainees of medical faculty of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. The study’s population consisted of students, residents and clinical faculty members of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences who were included by systematic sampling. The tool for data collection was a self administered questionnaire consisted of 27 questions about demographic and educational variables of participants, and their opinions about quality of AME in clinics of the university. Items of the quality of AME consisted of environmental conditions, independent activities of the trainees, instructors’ supervision, and teaching of ambulatory specific skills. Validity of the questionnaire was controlled by expertise consultation (content validity), and its reliability by test – retest (r=0.85). Data was analyzed using Spss 13 software. Results: Totally response rate was 70% (36 faculties, 144 medical students and residents). Mean age of faculties, students and residents were 43.6±8.7 and 25±3.6 years respectively of faculties 32% and of students 60% were female. Majority of the trainees (84%) assessed the quality of AME as unsatisfactory and had negative attitude towards it, while majority of the faculties (68%) had positive attitudes toward the quality of AME. There was no significant difference in quality of AME among teaching departments in opinions of participants. Attitude of junior trainees was even more negative. Opinions of the faculty members and the trainees were similar about inappropriate physical environment of ambulatory clinics, and lack of scientific sources but there was significant difference between the opinions about independent activities of trainees in clinics (p=0.000), instruction of rational drugs prescription (p=0.000) management www.intjmi.com 2012 81 International journal of medical investigation www.intjmi.com volume 1 (p=0.004), and supervision of faculty members (p=0.000). Conclusion: The overall attitudes of our participants (especially trainees) towards the current quality of ambulatory medical education were negative, mainly because of impossibility of independent activities for trainees, low supervision of faculties, insufficient teaching of rational drug prescription, differential diagnosis, and management.
Keywords: Ambulatory Medicine Teaching, Attending, Student, Attitude
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
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Khorasani G, Vahidshahi K, Mahmoudi M, Shahbaznejad L, Ghafari M, Emadi A et al . EVALUATION OF FACULTY MEMBERS’ AND TRAINEES’ OPINIONS ABOUT QUALITY OF AMBULATORY MEDICAL EDUCATION, SARI, IRAN, 2012. Int J Med Invest 2012; 1 (1)
URL: http://intjmi.com/article-1-25-en.html

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Volume 1, Issue 1 (December 2012) Back to browse issues page
International Journal of Medical Investigation
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