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:: Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2017) ::
Int J Med Invest 2017, 6(1): 26-28 Back to browse issues page
Kerion caused by Trichophyton Mentagrophytes most probably acquired from one gymnasium in 2 athletic boys
Shahriar Alian * , Iman Sadeghian , Fatemeh Ahangarkani , Arghavan Amouzgar
Antimicrobial resistance research center, mazandaran university of medical sciences, sari, Iran
Abstract:   (7553 Views)
Two 8 and 10 year- old athletic boys lived in Qaemshahr urban area ( in north of Iran ) presented by erythematous plaques with folicularpostules on head area extending from right occipital to right temporal regions with itching and hair loss about 2 weeks prior their initial visit when the itching and postules and hair loss increased. The diagnosis was Kerion. Endothrix hyphea was seen within hair shaft and Trichophyton Mentagrophytes was isolated from scales and tissue taken from lesions on the head. Postules disappeared 3-4 weeks after oral treatment with terbinafine 125 mg daily. No recurrence has been observed to date.
Keywords: Kerion, tineacapitis, Trichophyton Mentagrophytes
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Type of Study: case report | Subject: General
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Alian S, Sadeghian I, Ahangarkani F, Amouzgar A. Kerion caused by Trichophyton Mentagrophytes most probably acquired from one gymnasium in 2 athletic boys. Int J Med Invest 2017; 6 (1) :26-28
URL: http://intjmi.com/article-1-268-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 1 (3-2017) Back to browse issues page
International Journal of Medical Investigation
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