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:: Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2019) ::
Int J Med Invest 2019, 8(3): 112-120 Back to browse issues page
Femoral Neck Fracture in a Three-Year-Old Child; Case Report
Salman Ghaffari * , Mehran Razavipour , Masoud Shayestehazar , Abolfazl Ghadiri
Associate Professor Of Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Research Center, Mazandaran University Of Medical Science, Sari, Iran
Abstract:   (3940 Views)
Background: Femoral neck fracture is a rare complication that compromise less than 1% of the all children's fractures. There are different systems to classify it. The Delbet classification system is the most common system for describing femoral neck fractures in children, identifying its variants helps predict complications and make medical decisions. Our aim in this study is to introduce a rare form of femoral neck fractures associated with displacement in children that is not in any of the common categories.
Case Presentations: The patient is a 3-year-old girl with a right femoral neck fracture due to an accident. At first, a closed reduction was performed under General anesthesia, but because of failure, open surgery was performed. During the operation, a detached piece of the superior part of the femoral neck along with physis, was seen apart from other parts, which after reduction was fixed by two pins.  at the end, aSpica cast was used and eventually, after two days, the child was discharged in a good general condition.
Conclusion: Since our report introduces a new type of femoral neck fracture in children that is not in the Delbet classification, it is suggested that this type of fracture be added to the classification.
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Type of Study: case report | Subject: General
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Ghaffari S, Razavipour M, Shayestehazar M, Ghadiri A. Femoral Neck Fracture in a Three-Year-Old Child; Case Report. Int J Med Invest 2019; 8 (3) :112-120
URL: http://intjmi.com/article-1-429-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 3 (9-2019) Back to browse issues page
International Journal of Medical Investigation
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