Volume 8, Issue 4 (12-2019)                   J Emerg Health Care 2019, 8(4): 1-8 | Back to browse issues page

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Aliasgharpour M. From Epsom Salt to a Beneficial Mineral ; Magnesium. J Emerg Health Care 2019; 8 (4) :1-8
URL: http://intjmi.com/article-1-446-en.html
Iran Ministry of Health & Medical Education, Reference Health Laboratory, Faculty member of Biochemistry Laboratory.
Abstract:   (5913 Views)
Introduction: One of the most popular medical drugs with  healing  ability is Epsom salt  that is  hydrated magnesium sulphate;MgSo4.7H2o.   Magnesium  is the fourth most abundant  mineral  in the body and the second intracellular cation after potassium. In minute amounts it is necessary for body’s proper metabolism  and function. Magnesium homeostasis in the body is maintained by a delicate interplay among intestinal absorption, skeletal resorption, renal reabsorption and urinary excretion. At cellular level magnesium is a cofactor as well as an activator   in almost all enzymatic systems that regulates diverse biochemical reactions in the body. In addition, magnesium is essential for  the  conversion of vitamin D  into its active form  which in turn activated vitamin D can increase intestinal absorption of magnesium  and calcium influencing the growth and maintenance of bones. Serum magnesium concentration estimation is a poor predictor of intracellular magnesium content and may not accurately reflect the status of body’s total magnesium content. The present article will review  magnesium deficiency  and its  role in   vitamin D activations.
Methods: An integrated review format was chosen for present article and many medical and scientific literature on magnesium and its essential role in health and interaction/s with vitamin D were reviewed.
Findings: Results indicated that chronic magnesium deficiency   is common among the general population  as well as in the hospitalized patients. It may induce a wide range of clinical complications. Investigations   have  indicated that the activities of three major vitamin D converting enzymes and vitamin D binding proteins are magnesium dependent. Furthermore, magnesium deficiency leads to reduced 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D and impaired parathyroid response.  In general, the effectiveness of vitamin D is significantly reduced when magnesium homeostasis in the body is not maintained.
Conclusion: It is concluded that chronic magnesium deficiency should always be considered in different clinical complications. Taking magnesium supplementations could be beneficial to prevent recurrence of  the diseases.  Moreover, the general population should be encouraged  to consume magnesium-containing foods to reduce disease burden.   Further investigations are necessary in regard to  vitamin D and magnesium interaction/s. They may include observations  to determine the adequate  magnesium dose  as well as  studies on the  more effective type of magnesium supplementation for vitamin D processing.
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: General

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