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:: Volume 11, Issue 1 (3-2022) ::
Int J Med Invest 2022, 11(1): 9-18 Back to browse issues page
Diagnostic and Prognostic Blood Biomarkers in COVID-19
Asghar Elahi , Alireza Masoudi * , Haniyeh Hemmati
Department Of Laboratory Sciences, Faculty Of Allied Medical Sciences, Medical University Of Qom, Iran.
Abstract:   (2036 Views)
COVID-19 outbreak prompted the development of novel diagnostic and immediate treatment procedures. Protein biomarkers are helpful in the study of COVID-19 and SARS-related illness. Proteins linked to blood coagulation (D-dimer), cell damage (lactate dehydrogenase), and the inflammatory response, such as reactive protein (C), have previously been identified as possible COVID-19 severity or mortality predictions. This study examined the applications of proteomics to Covid-19 and showed that technologies such as artificial intelligence could be helpful for research into these diseases. In addition, the SPSelectin levels and the severity of COVID-19 infections were examined in this study. In a broad sample of patients, the efficacy of regular blood counts utilized in the diagnostic and prognostic value of Covid-19 and their independent biomarkers were retrospectively examined. This condition was diagnosed using low lymphocytes (LYM), white blood cells (WBC), CRP, and high ferritin levels. The results indicated that vascular inflammation and thrombosis appear to be critical drivers of poor clinical outcomes in COVID-19 patients. A significant decrease in the percentage of blood vessels with a cross-sectional area of 5.25-5 mm2 (BV5) on computed tomography (CT) of the chest in COVID-19 patients was expected to predict poor clinical outcomes in this investigation as a hypothesis.
Keywords: COVID-19, Biomarker, Prognostic, Diagnostic
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Type of Study: Review | Subject: General
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Elahi A, Masoudi A, Hemmati H. Diagnostic and Prognostic Blood Biomarkers in COVID-19. Int J Med Invest 2022; 11 (1) :9-18
URL: http://intjmi.com/article-1-762-en.html

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