Volume 11, Issue 4 (12-2022)                   Int J Med Invest 2022, 11(4): 173-181 | Back to browse issues page

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YazdanPanah Z, Somaar N H. The Mediating Role Of Attachment Styles In The Relationship Between Couple’s Personality Characteristics Similarity To Marital Adjustment. Int J Med Invest 2022; 11 (4) :173-181
URL: http://intjmi.com/article-1-923-en.html
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Karaj Branch, kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1444 Views)
This study aimed to investigate the mediating role of attachment styles in the relationship between similarity of couple personality traits and marital adjustment. The  research method was correlation through structural equation modeling. The sample consisted of 100 couples referring to counselling and psychology centres in Karaj. They were selected using the available sampling method and answered to the short form of the five-factor personality scale (NEO–FFI), Spanier Marital Adjustment Questionnaire (RDAS), and Collins and Reed Adult Attachment Style Questionnaire (RAAS). Data analysis and evaluation of the proposed model were done using structural modeling (SEM). The results showed a significant positive relationship between couples' similarity in extroversion and agreeableness personality traits with marital adjustment and a significant negative relationship between couples' similarity neuroticism personality trait and marital adjustment. Also, secure and insecure attachment styles mediate the relationship between similarity of couple personality traits with marital adjustment. According to the final research model, secure and insecure attachment styles play a mediating role in the relationship between the similarity of extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism personality traits with their marital adjustment.
This study aimed to investigate the mediating role of attachment styles in the relationship between similarity of couple personality traits and marital adjustment. The  research method was correlation through structural equation modeling. The sample consisted of 100 couples referring to counselling and psychology centres in Karaj. They were selected using the available sampling method and answered to the short form of the five-factor personality scale (NEO–FFI), Spanier Marital Adjustment Questionnaire (RDAS), and Collins and Reed Adult Attachment Style Questionnaire (RAAS). Data analysis and evaluation of the proposed model were done using structural modeling (SEM). The results showed a significant positive relationship between couples' similarity in extroversion and agreeableness personality traits with marital adjustment and a significant negative relationship between couples' similarity neuroticism personality trait and marital adjustment. Also, secure and insecure attachment styles mediate the relationship between similarity of couple personality traits with marital adjustment. According to the final research model, secure and insecure attachment styles play a mediating role in the relationship between the similarity of extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism personality traits with their marital adjustment.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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