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:: Volume 13, Issue 2 (6-2024) ::
Int J Med Invest 2024, 13(2): 43-50 Back to browse issues page
Comparison Of Intrathecal Injection Of Dexmedetomidine And Bupivacaine With Bupivacaine Alone On Hemodynamic Changes In Pregnant Women Candidates For Caesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia: A Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial Study
Ali Jabari , Monireh Jahani , Seyedeh Roya Mousavi , Mansour Deylami *
. Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Faculty of Medicine, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran.
Abstract:   (366 Views)
Background: In choosing the anesthesia method, spinal anesthesia is more preferable for cesarean surgery. In cesarean surgery, it is very important to know the drug that has more hemodynamic stability, which can be useful in choosing the most suitable drug. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of comparing intrathecal injection of dexmedetomidine and bupivacaine with bupivacaine alone on hemodynamic changes in pregnant women candidates for caesarean section under spinal anesthesia.
Methods: This double-blind randomized clinical trial study was conducted on 82 pregnant women candidates for cesarean surgery. Patients were divided into two intervention (dexmedetomidine-bupivacaine) and control (bupivacaine) groups by random block method. Hemodynamic symptoms (systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and heart rate) were recorded and measured at 1, 3, 5, 30 and 60 minutes during surgery.
Results: The average age of 82 patients was 29.41±4.75 years. The average duration of surgery was 158.78±19.26 minutes in the intervention group and 127.31±23.02 minutes in the control group. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups of dexmedetomidine-bupivacaine and bupivacaine alone at times 1, 3, 5, 30 and 60 during surgery in terms of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of heart rate at time 1, 3 and 60 during surgery, but at time 5 and 30 during surgery, there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups. In the dexmedetomidine-bupivacaine group, the heart rate was significantly lower than the bupivacaine group (P=0.03, P=0.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that there is no difference between the two groups in terms of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, but the use of the combination of dexmedetomidine-bupivacaine had a certain effect on the heart rate at 5 and 30 minutes during cesarean surgery. At the same time, it is suggested to conduct more studies in this field.
Keywords: Dexmedetomidine, Bupivacaine, Hemodynamics, Caesarean Section, Spinal anesthesia.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
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Jabari A, Jahani M, Mousavi S R, Deylami M. Comparison Of Intrathecal Injection Of Dexmedetomidine And Bupivacaine With Bupivacaine Alone On Hemodynamic Changes In Pregnant Women Candidates For Caesarean Section Under Spinal Anesthesia: A Double Blind Randomized Clinical Trial Study. Int J Med Invest 2024; 13 (2) :43-50
URL: http://intjmi.com/article-1-1142-en.html

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International Journal of Medical Investigation
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