Volume 8, Issue 2 (5-2019)                   J Emerg Health Care 2019, 8(2): 50-60 | Back to browse issues page

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Mirsaifi Fard L S, Rafiee Ashiani A, Fadaei M, Bavafa A, karamian E. Comparison of Hexaco Personality Model and Self-Compassion in Clinical Depressed and Normal People in Isfahan. J Emerg Health Care 2019; 8 (2) :50-60
URL: http://intjmi.com/article-1-399-en.html
MSc in General Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Kashan, Iran
Abstract:   (6334 Views)
Background and aim: Depression is a form of mood disorder characterized by symptoms of low energy, energy loss and interest, feeling guilty, difficulty concentrating, infertility, thoughts of death and suicide, insomnia or Hypersomnia, significant weight loss, and functional impairment. The purpose of the study was to compare the Hexaco personality model and self-compassion in clinical depressed and normal people in Isfahan.
Methods: The research method is causal-comparative. The statistical population of this study was people with clinical depression and normal people in Isfahan. Sampling was done in an accessible manner. In total, 50 patients in the clinical depression group and 80 in the normal group were selected after the process. The research instrument was the Self-Compassion Scale (2003) and Hexaco Personality Questionnaire (2004). Data were analyzed using SPSS-22 software.
Results: The results of multivariate analysis of variance showed a significant difference between two groups of normal and clinical depression in self-compassion and Hexaco personality dimensions (p <0.05). ETA is 989/0. The results showed that there was a significant difference in terms of Hexaco personality dimensions between normal and clinical depressions (p <0.05). Also, there was a significant difference in the mean self-compassion between normal and clinical depressions (p <0.05).
Conclusion: According to the results, it was found that people with clinical depression and normal people are different in terms of Hexaco personality dimensions and self-compassion, and with the strengthening of their self-compassion and positive personality dimensions in HexaCo's model, the severity of depression can be reduced.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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